Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Yay Telsa

My baby cousin graduated from Highland High School today. She had all her credits back in January, the smart lil shit lol. She was so excited to finally walk with her class today. She was just beaming.

She's so cute!! Look how "decorated" she is. SO PROUD OF HER!!

Telsa with her mom and dad

Telsa with my mom, Cole and I

Her sisters were there too and I seem to have lost that picture so I'll have to load it later lol. Sorry Cheryl, still love ya.
Way to go Telsa I am so proud of you. NOW GET YOUR BUTT TO COLLEGE!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Taylor clears the air

If you look at the video to the right Taylor Latner explains the New Moon trailer. I WAS SO RIGHT!!! YAY ME!!

Sorry about the size of the just have to listen to what he says.