Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Fun

My mom and dad grew pumpkins for the kids this year. Every time we went to their house the kids would look at the growing pumpkins and say "wow look how big they are getting" "that one is mine" "1, 2, 3,.....26". Then came the day the kids have been waiting for, Papa harvested the pumpkins. I got a call from my mom Friday night saying "they are ready come and get em" So Saturday (10-11) we went and picked up our pumpkins....all 6 of them.

When Cole got home from work Austin had to show daddy all the pumpkins. He even told him which pumpkins were whos. They were all out on the porch but then ended up in the house. At the moment they are all on my coffee table. Last night Austin being the kid he is wanted to carve a pumpkin, as he put it "put a face on pumpkin". 8pm last night Cole and Austin carved a pumpkin. AUSTIN LOVED IT!! Cole scraped the insides and Austin pulled out all the guts. Then when he was done we roasted the seeds. Austin has already ate half the seeds. Cole and Austin lite the pumpkin and put it out side last night. Then this morning the first thing Austin did was bring his pumpkin back in the house.

Although watching my husband and son carve a pumpkin was entertaining, the best part was watching my baby girl. Her reactions were hillarious. She watched their every move.

She wanted to check out the pumpkins so bad so daddy let her play with HER pumpkin. She was all about "exploring" it. She licked it, kissed it and even tried to bite it.

I wanted to get a couple of pictures of the kids with the pumpkins before they were carved. They both loved taking picures with the pupkins. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to know that I get to share the holidays with MY kids and to create memories with my family.

Austin kept saying "Mama take my picture" It was cute!

Even our cat Baby Girl got in on the action

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Family that touch your heart

Okay so everyone who knows me knows that I am an only child. Growing up all I had were my cousins. So then I made my friends my sisters. Amanda M. Katie R. Crystal J. and a few others. Who I love dearly. Through that I've been able to have nieces and nephews.

Then when I married Cole I got sister in laws but it still wasn't enough. But then came the day I always dreamed of. I got a real sister. My brother in law is engaged to a wonderful lady by the name of Janine. She is awesome. I swear in another life we were blood. We are so alike, we both fell in love with the stuborn Duffey brothers. Heck even our girls look alike LOL. From the begining I've just loved her to death. She is so awesome!!

Even her kids are awesome. Ricky, Victoria, Andrea and Tyler. The first time I heard the words "Aunt Tiffany" come out of their little mouths it brought tears to my eyes. Now granted I do have my nephew Wyatt and niece Cheyanne, but from day one I've just always known them that way. But to have 4 kids call me Aunt who don't have to but want to makes me feel so good. When those little kids open their arms and give you a hug and say "I love you Aunt Tiffany" It's enough to melt your heart.

I just want Janine to know that I love her and I'm proud to call her my SISTER!

I was tagged!

My wonderful soon to be sister in law Janine tagged me so I guess it's my turn. So here goes....

1. Where were you 10 years ago?
That would be 2000 so lets see. Ten years ago I was in my senior year of high school. Living at home with my mommy. That summer I went to Disney land with my mom and grandma, that was awesome. That November my grandma got sick and then passed away, then in January my grandpa passed too. So all in all 10 years ago at the begining of the year was awesome and exciting then turned into the worst year of my life.

2. What's on your to do list today?
Today we started decorating the house for Halloween. Austin and I did school work today, he made a Halloween picture using foam cut outs and it turned out adorible! He started grouping the pieces by shapes then when he ran out of room he just put them on the paer where ever.. he made a line down the page using sculls...Very Cute! Right this second I am listening to the dryer go, Austin is out on the porch playing and Alexis is napping. I can't wait till my hubby gets home I miss him.

3. What if you were a Billionaire?
NICE!! If I were a Billionaaire I would PAY OFF ALL MY BILLS for starters. Buy my kids everything I have been wanting to that we just don't have the money for right now. I would pay off Cole's truck. Buy some land so we could build our DREAM house. I would get both the dogs we want. I would pay off my parents debt, their house and my dads car. I would tear down my in laws house and build them a new one WITH OUT STAIRS!! Cole would go get his back FIXED and all the othr things I know he wants done. Get Kayla her braises. Donate a good chunk to the childrens hospital and the humain society.

4. Name five places you have lived:.
1-Sugar House, UT
2-Down Town, UT
3-Murray , UT
4-West Valley, UT
5-Kansas City, Kansas

5. What are three bad habits you have?
1-bitting my nails
2-bitting my lip
3-popping my nuckles

6. What kind of snack do you like?
ANYTHING CHOCOLATE!!! goldfish crackers are good, apples with peanut butter and oranges.. any fruit really, I LOVE fruit!

7. Who will you tag next?
Mrs. Amanda Miller. Now it's your turn!!